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Date Updated2019-11-28
Size81.09 MB



The power of the Dragon is coming!Join Now ▶

▶黑色沙漠 MOBILE◀ 啟程前往您渴望的冒險之旅 邀請各位冒險家進入《黑色沙漠 MOBILE》遼闊的世界 WORLD CLASS MMORPG《黑色沙漠 MOBILE》 受到150多個國家喜愛的 MMORPG! 在MOBILE也可以體驗黑色沙漠的魅力與感動 ■ 擬真細緻的動作 及 扎實的打擊感 富有個性的角色以及華麗的技能動作 超越手遊的磅礡震撼打擊感 享受《黑色沙漠 MOBILE》才有的極度逼真的戰鬥樂趣 ■ 現今最強的手遊畫質 逼近真實的精緻度且高水準的畫質! 原著龐大的世界觀背景及富有魅力的角色們 在MOBILE真實呈現魅力不減 ■ 嘆為觀止的細膩創角系統 輕鬆的操作,精緻的創角系統! 強大的創角系統打破手機新極限 製作專屬於我的角色 ■ 涵蓋世界觀的豐富內容 釣魚、狩獵等豐富的生活內容及領地系統 可靠的寵物冒險夥伴與養馬系統 能充分享受戰鬥以外的遊戲樂趣 ■ 最低配備 GALAXY S5 LTE - A [黑色沙漠 MOBILE 官方粉絲團] 加入官方粉絲團就能獲得《黑色沙漠 MOBILE》的最新消息! [黑色沙漠 MOBILE 官方論壇] 隨時掌握《黑色沙漠 MOBILE》的最新消息吧! [黑色沙漠 MOBILE 官方網站] 還沒有體驗過黑色沙漠嗎?快來了解黑色沙漠! ▶智慧型手機APP存取權限公告◀ 使用APP時,為了提供如下服務,會要求存取下列權限 [必須取得存取權限] 圖片/影片/檔案儲存 : 儲存遊戲執行相關檔案與遊戲影片/截圖時使用。 [選擇性的存取權限] 麥克風 : APP內的即時語音聊天系統的使用與錄製玩遊戲影片時使用。 [取消存取權限的方法] ▶ Android 5.0 以上: 設定 > APP > 選擇權限項目 > 權限目錄 > 選擇同意或是取消存取權限 ▶ Android 5.0 以下: 需要更新系統後取消存取權限或刪除APP ※ APP有可能不提供個別統一功能,可使用以上方法取消存取權限。 ※ 如果正在使用Android 5.0以下版本,無法個別設定選擇性存取權限,建議更新至5.0以上。 [注意事項] 取消必須存取權限時,有可能發生檔案下載中斷或無法登入遊戲的情況發生 ※本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔12級 ※本遊戲內容涉及暴力、恐怖(未達血腥之畫面)、遊戲角色穿著凸顯性特徵但不涉及性暗示之服飾或裝扮。 ※本遊戲為免費使用,但遊戲內部分內容或服務需另行支付其他費用。 ※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷於遊戲,可能影響身心健康) ▶Black Desert MOBILE◀ Depart for the adventure you desire Invite every adventurer to enter the vast world of Black Desert MOBILE   WORLD CLASS MMORPG "Black Desert MOBILE" MMORPGs that are loved by more than 150 countries! You can also experience the charm and touch of the black desert in MOBILE.   ■ Imagination and meticulous action Personalized characters and gorgeous skill movements Beyond the hand-playing sensation Enjoy the extreme realistic fighting fun of "Black Desert MOBILE"   ■ The strongest mobile game quality today Approaching true refinement and high quality! Originally a huge worldview background and fascinating characters Really attractive in MOBILE   ■ Exquisite and delicate angle system Easy operation, exquisite corner system! Powerful angle system breaks the new limit of mobile phones Make a role that belongs to me   ■ Rich content covering the world view Rich life content and territorial system such as fishing and hunting Reliable pet adventure partner and horse breeding system Can fully enjoy the fun of the game beyond the battle   ■ Minimum equipment GALAXY S5 LTE - A   [Black Desert MOBILE Official Fan Group] Join the official fan group to get the latest news on "Black Desert MOBILE"! [Black Desert MOBILE Official Forum] Keep up to date with the latest news from Black Desert MOBILE! Https:// [Black Desert MOBILE Official Website] Have you ever experienced the Black Desert? Come and learn about the black desert! Https://   ▶Smart Phone APP Access Permission Announcement◀ When using the app, in order to provide the following services, you will be asked to access the following permissions.   [Must have access rights] Image/Video/File Storage: Use when saving game execution related files and game videos/screenshots.   [optional access] Microphone: Use of the instant voice chat system in the APP and when recording video games.   [How to cancel access rights] ▶ Android 5.0 or above: Settings > APP > Select Permissions > Permissions Directory > Select Agree or Cancel Access ▶ Android 5.0 and below: Cancel access or delete APP after updating system ※ APP may not provide individual unified functions, you can use the above method to cancel access rights. ※ If you are using Android 5.0 or later, you cannot set selective access rights individually. It is recommended to update to 5.0 or above.   [Precautions] When canceling the access rights, there may be a situation where the file download is interrupted or the game cannot be logged in. ※This software is classified according to the classification management method of the Chinese Republic of China game software: auxiliary level 12 ※This game covers violence, horror (not a bloody picture), and the game character wears a prominent feature but does not involve sexually suggestive clothing or dress. ※This game is free to use, but some content or services in the game will be charged separately. ※Please pay attention to the game time, avoid indulging in the game, may affect physical and mental health)

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Latest Version (Download)

黑色沙漠 MOBILE 2.10.22

Date Updated : 2019-11-28
