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Date Updated2022-05-17
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Japan's 27-year-old royal fantasy masterpiece SRPG classic returns [The new expansion "Moonlight and the Iron Cavalry Program" is coming! 】 The new expansion "Moonlight and the Iron Cavalry Program" is here! Kaguya and Carolian are on the stage, and the Time and Space Expedition event is open for a limited time... A brand new adventure is coming. Commanders, are you ready to accept the challenge? The original Japanese factory supervises the whole process, and has a super-first-line voice actor lineup. Create a new plot to create a grand fantasy world! Continue the classic strategy of the original work, and create a real-time player confrontation in a war chess game! [War chess and martial arts, gorgeous war chess masterpiece debut] The gorgeous battle chess series "Dream Simulation Battle", produced by Masaya Studio, is known as one of the three major works of Japanese SRPG, and the powerful combat effect is its core game experience! This feature is 100% original in this work. The arms are restrained from each other. The terrain elements determine the battlefield pattern. The battle strategy becomes extremely important. During the battle, the style of the gorgeous war chess style is fully displayed. [Full Voice Japanese All-Star Voice Actor Lineup] It includes all the BGMs of the past dynasties, and specially invited Mr. Tokuyuki Iwatari, the composer of the original series (representative game music "Grantia" series, "Ace Attorney" series, "Fantasy Simulation" series, etc.), to personally write the game music of this work . The seiyuu of the previous work, Ryutaro Okiyu, together with the popular first-line star seiyuu Horie Yui, Noto Mamiko, Hayami Saori and others, formed an all-star seiyuu lineup of more than 30 people, and realized the whole series of voice for the first time. 【Moving Story: A Heroic Song of Sword and Magic】 This is the only official orthodox sequel to the series, and the first time the series has landed on mobile platforms! The million-word novel-level original plot not only has a new protagonist, but also all the popular characters from the original series will appear! The story returns to the familiar continent of "Alusaria", and the legend of Holy Sword Lan Gulisa is telling you... 【Super-capacity, multi-line branches + popular levels of past dynasties】 This work will have an original plot of up to 1 million words and a large capacity. At the same time, as a return to the entire series, it includes many classic battles in the original five-generation works, with a total of more than 300 levels. The game level design includes dozens of clearance methods, such as guarding the survival of NPCs, retreating from the army, and blocking the enemy as one man, which greatly increases the fun of the game. [Interactive development of exclusive plot levels for all characters] The fetters system is added, along with the increase in favorability between the player and the hero, unlock exclusive plot levels, and listen to Ta tell the story of his life with the holy sword. The most anticipated job transfer system in the original series has been brought into full play in this game. Each hero has an exclusive independent class transfer tree, which can be flexibly transferred according to the overall needs of the team in order to exert the greatest combat power. "Fantasy Sim Battle" subscription function description and Google's official subscription function precautions 1. Subscription price and period You can subscribe to "Forgive Clock" in the game. The subscription price in Taiwan is NT$30 (HK$8 in Hong Kong and MOP$8 in Macau), and the subscription period is 30 days. 2. About subscription content Users who subscribe to "The Clock of Forgiveness" can get a privileged experience during the subscription period. The contents of the privilege are: ① During the battle, you can go back to any step of the previous operation (you can use it 3 times in each battle, and cannot be used in team and PVP battles) ); ②The stamina consumed by defeat in battle is reduced by 50%. 3. About automatic renewal Google's official subscription function is an automatic renewal subscription, which is confirmed and paid by the Google Store Account. Users need to manually cancel the automatic renewal function in the Google Store settings management. Subscription auto-renewal will be charged within 24 hours before the end of each subscription period, and payment will be confirmed by the Google Store. If you need to cancel the subscription function, you need to turn off the automatic renewal function at least 24 hours before the end of the subscription. If auto-renewal is not canceled by this time, the subscription period will automatically renew. 【contact us】 "Dream Simulation Battle" official website: "Dream Simulation Battle" customer service report website: "Fantasy Sim Battle" FB Fan Group: 【Reminder】 ※The game content involves sex, violence, and inappropriate language, and is classified as supplementary level 12 according to the game software classification management method. ※The game plot is purely fictitious, pay attention to the time of use, and do not indulge in or imitate it improperly. ※Part of the content must be paid separately, please do not use others to store it to avoid breaking the law. ※The service area of ​​this game is limited to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau

【全新資料片“月輝與鐵騎綱領”來襲!】 全新資料片“月輝與鐵騎綱領”來襲!輝夜、卡洛莉安華麗登場,時空遠征軍活動限時開啟……一段全新的冒險即將到來,指揮官們,準備好接受挑戰了嗎? 日本原廠全程監修,超一線聲優陣容,盛邀國民級音樂製作人岩垂德行加盟。全新劇情創作,營造宏大幻想世界!延續原作經典策略,開創戰棋遊戲即時玩家對抗! 【戰棋演武 華麗派戰棋大作登場】 華麗派戰棋系列《夢幻模擬戰》,由Masaya工作室製作,被譽為日式SRPG三大殿堂作品之一,大魄力戰鬥效果是其最為核心的遊戲體驗!本作中100%原汁原味還原這一特點,兵種間相互克制,地形要素決定戰場格局,戰鬥策略變得異常重要,戰鬥過程中更是充分展示華麗派戰棋流的風範。 【全程語音 日本全明星聲優陣容】 收錄歷代全部BGM,並特邀原作系列作曲家岩垂德行先生(遊戲音樂代表作《格蘭蒂亞》系列、《逆轉裁判》系列、《夢幻模擬戰》系列等),親自操刀本作的遊戲音樂。前作的聲優置鮎龍太郎攜當紅一線明星聲優堀江由衣、能登麻美子、早見沙織等人,共同組成30餘人的全明星聲優陣容,並首次實現系列全程語音。 【感動劇情 劍與魔法的英雄長歌】 本作是該系列的唯一官方正統續作,亦是本系列首次登陸移動平台!百萬字小說級的原創劇情,不僅有全新的主人公加入,原作系列的人氣角色也將悉數登場!故事重回熟悉的“艾路薩莉亞”大陸,聖劍蘭古利薩的傳說正在向您娓娓道來… 【超大容量 多線分支+歷代人氣關卡】 本作將有長達100萬字超大容量的原創劇情,同時作為整個系列的回歸之作,收錄了原作5代作品中的眾多經典戰役,總計收錄300餘關卡。遊戲關卡設計包含守護NPC存活、萬軍叢中全身而退、一夫當關阻擋敵軍等數十種過關方式,極大地增加了遊戲的樂趣。 【互動養成 全角色專屬劇情關卡】 羈絆系統加入,伴隨玩家與英雄之間好感度的增進,解鎖專屬劇情關卡,聽Ta講述那一段與聖劍結緣的生平故事。原作系列中最受玩家期待的轉職系統,在本作中得到了盡情發揮。每名英雄擁有專屬的獨立轉職樹,根據隊伍整體需求靈活轉職,才能發揮出最大的戰力。 《夢幻模擬戰》訂閱功能說明及Google官方訂閱功能注意事項 1.訂閱價格及週期 您可以在遊戲中訂閱“原諒的時鐘”,台灣地區訂閱價格為NT$ 30元(香港地區為HK$ 8元、澳門地區為MOP$ 8),訂閱週期為30天。 2.關於訂閱內容 訂閱“原諒的時鐘”的使用者可在訂閱期間內獲得特權體驗,特權內容為:①戰鬥中可回退到之前操作的任意一步(每場戰鬥可使用3次,組隊及PVP戰鬥無法使用);②戰鬥失敗所消耗的體力減少50%。 3.關於自動續訂 Google官方訂閱功能為自動續費訂閱,由Google 商店 Account進行確認支付,用戶需手動在Google 商店設置管理中取消自動續訂功能。訂閱自動續費將於每個訂閱週期結束前的24小時之內進行扣費,並由Google 商店進行確認支付。如果需要取消訂閱功能,您需要於訂閱結束前至少24小時關閉自動續費功能。如果在此時間之前未能取消自動續費,則訂閱週期會自動延續。 【聯絡我們】 《夢幻模擬戰》官方網址 《夢幻模擬戰》客服回報網址 《夢幻模擬戰》FB粉絲團:https:www.facebook.comgamebeansMZ 【溫馨提醒】 ※遊戲內容涉及性、暴力、不當語言,依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級。 ※遊戲情節純屬虛構,注意使用時間,切勿沉迷或不當模仿。 ※部分內容須另支付費用,勿用他人代儲以免觸法。 ※本遊戲服務地區僅限台灣、香港、澳門

What's New

- 新開放SSR英雄:卡洛莉安、輝夜。。 - 新開放以下英雄的二階覺醒技能:卡洛莉安、輝夜。 - 新開放以下英雄的告白:艾爾瑪。 -【秘境商店】新增降生之光(頭飾)、阿爾法(防具)的專屬裝備。 - 新開放以下英雄的心之羈絆:梓、朧。 - 模型牆新增模型: 英雄:希爾達、沃爾納; 英雄外觀:希爾達「黑幫狂花」、沃爾納「絕命黑手黨」、梅雅「心樂守護者」; 士兵:機械騎士、龍騎兵、地獄犬; NPC:尼德霍格。

Latest Version (Download)

夢幻模擬戰 2.44.0

Date Updated : 2022-05-17
