


Kiper Tecnologia Ltda.

Latest Version (Download)

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Date Updated2021-06-16
Size24.74 MB
Categoriesแอปพลิเคชั่น, ธุรกิจ




:: SOME FEATURES OF THE UPDATE ARE COMPATIBLE ONLY WITH CONDOMINIUMS BEHAVIORING THE NEW VERSION OF THE KIPER SYSTEM. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR MONITORING COMPANY TO REQUEST THE NEW VERSION :: With the Kiper application, you have access to the condominium with more agility, freedom and convenience through a safe code, the QR Code with optical reading, quickly and easily. Advantages and facilities of the Kiper App: Proven Security With the application each user has his unique QR Code, registered and synchronized constantly in the system of access management to his condominium. Notification of access With each access the system can send push notifications on your smartphone or tablet, allowing the monitoring of the inputs and outputs in your residence in real time. Timeline record In addition to real-time notifications, all user accesses to your residence are logged and identified in a timeline for consultation and follow-up at any time. Personal invitation Sending QR Code invitations with agility, exclusive to your guest, allowing access in a practical and safe way. Guest list Quickly organize your events or parties by sending QR Code invitations at once to the guests, allowing your access to the areas reserved for the event. Customization You can choose which users you want to receive notifications in real time. Just check or uncheck the Notifications menu as and when you want.

What's New

Functionalities: * User form improvements; * New fields in the user form for when the profile is Janitor; * When creating an invitation, the option "my home" is not displayed when Kiper Account; Corrections: * Request for tag / rf ; * Magic link in Onboarding; * Consumption of cameras while application is in background;

Latest Version (Download)

Kiper 3.6.16

Date Updated : 2021-06-16
