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Date Updated2021-11-14
Size40.8 MB
CategoriesGames, Educational



據說當人類把腦活用到100%,將能記得世界上所有知識。磨練自己,向世界各地的強者挑戰吧! • 知識就是力量! 上通天文下知地理,最時尚最流行的話題都在知識王!最後關鍵題得分翻倍力挽狂瀾,體驗逆轉勝的刺激快感。 • 搶速度~拚腦力! 一場比賽只要一分鐘,隨時隨地鍛鍊腦力。獨特的差時紀錄對戰功能,絕對不怕找不到比賽對手! • 累積經驗 Level Up~ 玩得越久越能感受知識累積成就感,夠聰明一口氣全破也OK。 這是一款老少咸宜的遊戲,知識的寶藏就在前方等著各位,快與朋友們一起冒險吧! It is said that when the human brain to utilize 100 percent, will be able to remember all the knowledge in the world. Hone their strong around the world to challenge it! • The knowledge is power! On notification geography astronomy, the most fashionable of the most popular topics in knowledge king! Finally, the key question scoring double to turn the tide, experience wins reversal stimulate pleasure. • grab Speed ​​~ fight brain! Just one minute of a game, mental workout anytime, anywhere. Battle record unique difference function, absolutely not afraid of can not find the opponent! • cumulative experience Level Up ~ Play longer the more knowledge accumulation can feel a sense of accomplishment, but also smart enough to breath all broken OK. This is a game for all ages, the treasures of knowledge waiting in front of you, quick adventure with friends!

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* 效能調整以及錯誤修正 * 更新第三方功能套件以符合最新的 GDPR 隱私權保護規範

Latest Version (Download)

知識王 2.32

Date Updated : 2021-11-14
