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Date Updated2021-07-29
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Türkmenistanyň ähli şäherleri üçin Howa Maglumaty programmasy Türkmen dilinde! Bu programma Türkmenistanyň ähli şäherleri üçin bolmagyna garaşylýan howa maglumatlaryny anyk ve tiz görnüşde öwrenimegiňiz üçin döredilendir. Programmanyň esasy aýratynlyklary: * Şu wagtky howa maglumatyny anyk görkezer, * Şu wagtky şemalyn tizligini görkezer, * Şu wagtky howanyn yagdaýy barada maglumat berer. (Bulutly, ýagyşly) * Öňümizdäki hepde boýunça bolmagyna garaşylýan howa maglumatlaryny gije we gündiz üçin görkezer. * Türkmenistanyň şäherlerini gözläp tapmak üçin wagt sarp etmezden, howanyň yagdaýyny bilmek isleýän şaheriňizi sanawnamadan aňsatlyk bilen seçip bilersiniz. +Bulardan başga-da programma baradaky pikirleriňizi, islegleriňizi bilmek we şona göra üýtgeşmeler girizmek biziň üçin wajypdyr. * Elbdetde bahalandyrmagyda ýatdan çykaraýmaň! Howa Maglumaty program of the three of Turkmenistan's famous stars is in Turkmen language! This program is the four of the three who have a strong and high-pitched view of howa maglumatlar, who are seen in the part of three of the members of Turkmenistan. Programming essentials: * Current wagtky howa maglumatyny anyk glorious, * See the shrewdness of this wagtky scheme, * That wagtky howanyn maglumat beres in the oil bar. (Bulutly, ýagyşly) * Howa maglumatlaryny, who is always wandering in our auspices, will see the glory of the three. * Since observing and worshiping the sheriffs of Turkmenistan does not hurt the wags of the three, you can choose and know who knows how to use it before you can imagine your personality. + In addition to these, it is the wajypdy of the three of us to know our baradaky picrires, what we want to program, and to enter the shootout. * Of course I could not get out of the way!

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Nohur, Derweze we Ýerbent goşuldy.

Latest Version (Download)

Türkmenistan Howa Maglumaty 5.7.1

Date Updated : 2021-07-29
