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Date Updated2021-01-29
Size88.58 MB
Categoriesゲーム, 戦略



原創清宮帝王題材手遊巔峰之作,盛世換裝,榮耀歸來! 王侯將相寧有種乎?即刻下載,回到大清當皇帝,從第壹視角感受帝王的戎馬生涯。 明末清初,中原分藩割據,憂患叢生,加之海外列強林立,對中土虎視眈眈,大清江山社稷岌岌可危...... 俗話說,亂世必生翹楚,這個扭轉乾坤的不世英雄,會是妳嗎? 遊戲特色: 1. 第壹視角帝王養成系統,天子般的逼真情境感; 2. 後宮選秀宮鬥系統,真實還原帝王寵幸翻牌子的奢華生活; 3. 上書房皇子培養系統,體驗為人父母的快樂; 4. 龍鳳殿皇室聯姻系統,壹手操辦子女婚姻大事; 6. 校場廝殺,妳見過遊戲GM還會在遊戲裏和妳打群架嗎? 7. 聯盟爭霸,必須熱血,必須國戰PVP才爽; 8. 單刀赴宴,玩家超強互動大擺鴻門宴; 9. 獨創推圖系統,征服世界需要腳踏實地; 10.還有很多容大內日後再說~ 現在登錄遊戲,就有100元寶相贈~ 遊戲中遇到任何問題可以通過遊戲內浮標球-召見大內客服-點擊右上角人工服務或輸入“RG”聯繫大內客服 或聯系客服郵箱:[email protected] ※本遊戲內容涉及戀愛交友『遊戲設計促使使用者結婚』,依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級。 ※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務 ※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷 The original Qing Emperor theme mobile game peaks, the prosperous dress, glory return! Wang Hou will be interested in Xiang Ning? Download now and return to the Emperor of Qing Dynasty to experience the imperial horse's career from the perspective of Dijon. In the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, the Central Plains split their branches, and they were worried about the problems. In addition, they were surrounded by overseas powers, and they were stunned by the Chinese soil, and the Daqing Jiangshan Society was in jeopardy... As the saying goes, in a chaotic world, you will be a leader. Is this a hero who can't change the world? Game features: 1. The first perspective of the emperor to develop a system, the temperament of the emperor; 2. The harem draws the palace fighting system, which truly restores the luxurious life of the emperor's favored flop; 3. Go to the study room prince training system to experience the happiness of parents; 4. The Dragon and Phoenix Palace royal marriage system, the hands of the children to marry the marriage; 6. The school yard is killing. Have you seen the game GM still playing in the game and playing the group? 7. Alliance hegemony must be bloody, and must be a national war PVP; 8. Single-knife feast, the player's super interaction and big banquet; 9. Innovative mapping system, conquering the world requires down-to-earth; 10. There are still a lot of Rongda to say later in the future~ Now log in to the game, there will be 100 yuan ingot to give ~ Any problems encountered in the game can be passed through the in-game buoy ball - summoning the inside customer service - click on the top right corner of the manual service or enter "RG" to contact the inside customer service Or contact customer service email: [email protected] ※ The content of this game involves dating friends, "game design motivates users to get married", and is classified as a secondary level according to the game software classification management method. ※This game is free to use, and the game also provides paid services such as purchasing virtual game coins and items. ※Please pay attention to the game time, avoid indulging

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Latest Version (Download)


Date Updated : 2021-01-29
