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Date Updated2022-05-27
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Aplikasi kesehatan utama untuk Singapura. Catatan medis, Info kesehatan, imbalan.

One-stop access to health records of your family, friends, children. Learn, manage and improve your health, schedule your appointments, check your personal health records, access your immunisation, screening and lab test results, view your child’s upcoming immunisation schedule and more*! HealthHub is your personal digital health companion by the Ministry of Health and Health Promotion Board Singapore. Features: • Appointments: Make, view, reschedule, cancel • Medications: Access your prescription records and medication lists • Refill: Request for medication refill or renewal of prescription • Payments: Pay for your medical bills • Admissions (Financial Counselling): View your estimated cost, change ward type, make online payment for deposit • Children Health: Track your child’s developmental milestones and vaccination records as well as upcoming immunisation schedule • Family Health: View your parents’ medical appointments and medication lists • School Health: Get notified of school health assessments and your child’s referral letters • Directory Listing: Find doctors, caregivers, 24 hour CHAS clinics easily • Healthpoints: Be rewarded when you complete quizzes * Participating restructured hospitals, polyclinics and specialist outpatient clinics from the public healthcare sector. Akses menyeluruh ke catatan kesehatan keluarga, teman, dan anak-anak Anda. Pelajari, kelola, dan tingkatkan kesehatan Anda, jadwalkan janji temu Anda, periksa catatan kesehatan pribadi Anda, akses imunisasi Anda, skrining dan hasil tes lab, lihat jadwal imunisasi anak Anda yang akan datang dan banyak lagi *! HealthHub adalah pendamping kesehatan digital pribadi Anda oleh Dewan Kesehatan dan Promosi Kesehatan Singapura. Fitur: • Janji: Buat, lihat, jadwalkan kembali, batalkan • Obat: Akses catatan resep dan daftar obat Anda • Isi Ulang: Permintaan isi ulang obat atau pembaruan resep • Pembayaran: Membayar tagihan medis Anda • Penerimaan (Konseling Keuangan): Lihat perkiraan biaya Anda, ubah jenis bangsal, lakukan pembayaran online untuk deposit • Kesehatan Anak: Lacak tonggak perkembangan anak Anda dan catatan vaksinasi serta jadwal imunisasi yang akan datang • Kesehatan Keluarga: Lihat janji temu medis dan daftar obat orang tua Anda • Kesehatan Sekolah: Dapatkan pemberitahuan tentang penilaian kesehatan sekolah dan surat rujukan anak Anda • Daftar Direktori: Temukan dokter, perawat, klinik CHAS 24 jam dengan mudah • Healthpoints: Dapatkan imbalan saat Anda menyelesaikan kuis * Berpartisipasi dalam rumah sakit yang direstrukturisasi, poliklinik dan klinik rawat jalan spesialis dari sektor kesehatan publik.

What's New

Now, you can enjoy quicker access to your appointments, health records and more eServices via our highly-secure and readily accessible SingPass login. Meanwhile you do not need to have a HealthHub account to access valuable health information resources without the need for signing up for an account. For users of our Medical Records and Medication Refill eServices, more public healthcare institutions* are coming onboard, so keep an eye out!

Latest Version (Download)

HealthHub SG 4.4.1

Date Updated : 2022-05-27
