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Date Updated2021-05-09
Size18.5 MB
CategoriesAplikasi, Pendidikan



Dapatkan Kebiasaan dan Prinsip dari buku-buku swadaya.

You will get what you desire in life only when you decide to become the best version of yourself by investing in your personal growth and professional development. Learn how motivation works: What does it take to be truly healthy? How can you set goals for yourself? What are the best productivity hacks? Then, learn to apply these strategies and acquire new life habits. HabitCoach will help you with your journey along the way. You will learn from the best self-help books, HabitCoach will remind you to take action, you will acquire new habits and mindsets, and finally, you will become the person you’ve always wanted to be. The app is 100% based on the best self-help books, such as The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Principles by Ray Dalio, Atomic Habits, No Excuses by Brian Tracy, and more. We summarized all of this knowledge to provide you with the most important points—list of habits and principles, so you can easily apply them to your life. HabitCoach has over 1,500 of these habits already! HabitCoach is not a habit tracker! It’s much more than that. HabitCoach provides you with tools to learn new life and business strategies, acquire principles, change your mindset, and adopt new habits. HabitCoach is a self-improvement app. Prepare for total life changes! Here are a few things that HabitCoach will help you with: Leadership skills - HabitCoach has one full development path based on 10 best-selling books that focuses only on this skill. Personal productivity - HabitCoach has strategies and habits from eight of the best books about this subject. Self-esteem and confidence - Discover how to change your inner dialogue, and you will change the way you approach new challenges. Daily mantras - Learn to craft mantras that are practical and effective. Daily routine - Learn how to design your perfect routine based on five books on the subject. Mental health - Master and overcome your stress, depression, and anxiety. Physical health - It’s not only about healthy eating and exercising. Discover the intricacies and habits involved in improving physical health. Self-discipline - Probably the best book on this topic is The Willpower Instinct. You will find all those strategies in this app. Self-love - Doing one simple exercise every morning will help you learn to love yourself. You will find instructions in the list of habits from The Code of the Extraordinary Mind. Mindfulness - It’s not only meditation. It’s about giving attention to every aspect of your life. Positive affirmations - These affirmations work only if you connect them with taking action. Action is the element that proves who you really are. HabitCoach will help you to take action. High performance - Have you ever heard of the book High Performance Habits? It’s a great book; and yes, HabitCoach has all the habits in our app. Morning motivation - You cannot improve yourself 100% overnight. But what you can do is improve 1% every single day. And beginning your morning with something that will inspire you is extremely beneficial. Self-discovery - There are things that you don’t know that you don’t know. Goal setting - There are different methodologies recommended by different coaches. Check out Getting Things Done (aka gtd) and Awaken The Giant Within by Anthony Robbins. Self-control - Work on mindfulness, and then use strategies to gain full control of your mind. Want more? In the app, you can read summaries of entire self-help books for free. Just remember, what really matters is being able to actually apply the habits and strategies from these books. Gunakan HabitCoach untuk mempraktikkan perilaku yang direkomendasikan dalam buku-buku populer dan berpengaruh, seperti Principles: Life and Work oleh Ray Dalio, Cara Memenangkan Teman dan Mempengaruhi Orang dan banyak lagi. HabitCoach berisi lebih dari 1.500 tindakan dan prinsip yang diambil langsung dari buku self-help terbaik! Kami tahu kekuatan tindakan. Tindakan adalah satu-satunya hal yang dapat mengarah pada perubahan nyata. Membaca buku swa-bantu adalah buang-buang waktu kecuali jika Anda menerapkan tindakan yang dikandungnya. HabitCoach memiliki ringkasan buku-buku swadaya terbaik, dengan daftar tindakan CLEAR yang dapat Anda ambil untuk menerapkan prinsip-prinsip dari buku-buku tersebut. Anda dapat membaca semua ringkasan buku secara gratis. Ya, gratis. Ini karena ringkasan tidak mengarah pada perubahan kecuali Anda mengambil tindakan. Tiga tindakan dari setiap buku juga tersedia secara gratis, sehingga Anda dapat mulai menggunakan HabitCoach tanpa biaya. Apa lagi? Temukan apa yang dilakukan orang setiap hari untuk menjadi sehat, kaya, dan bahagia. Apa buku yang paling mengubah hidup? Apa kebiasaan khusus yang mengarah pada kesuksesan? Kami menemukan jawabannya. Dan aplikasi ini akan membantu Anda mempelajari dan menerapkan kebiasaan yang mengubah hidup ini. Kami telah mengumpulkan wawasan kunci dari setiap buku. Wawasan ini bukan hanya ringkasan; itu adalah gagasan kebiasaan yang dapat Anda terapkan dengan mudah dalam hidup Anda. - Tingkatkan diri Anda - Terapkan kebiasaan terbaik dalam hidup Anda, dan capai tujuan Anda. Praktikkan kebiasaan dari berbagai buku termasuk: * Prinsip: Hidup dan Bekerja oleh Ray Dalio * Kebiasaan Atom oleh James Clear * 12 Rules of Life oleh Jordan Peterson * 7 Kebiasaan Orang yang Sangat Efektif oleh Stephen R. Covey * Tidak ada alasan! oleh Brian Tracy * The 4-Hour Workweek oleh Tim Ferriss * The Miracle Morning oleh Hal Elrod * Kekuatan Kebiasaan oleh Charles Duhigg * Kode Pikiran Luar Biasa oleh Vishen Lakhiani * The Subtle Art of Not Giving a .... oleh Mark Manson * Bagaimana Tidak Mati oleh Michael Greger * The Book of Joy oleh Dalai Lama XIV dan Desmond Tutu * Mulailah dengan Mengapa oleh Simon Sinek * Deep Work oleh Cal Newport * Berpikir dan Menjadi Kaya oleh Napoleon Hill * Cara Memenangkan Teman dan Mempengaruhi Orang oleh Dale Carnegie * Awaken The Giant Within oleh Tony Robbins * Getting Things Done oleh David Allen * Berpikir, Cepat dan Lambat oleh Daniel Kahneman * Lean In oleh Sheryl Sandberg * Pengaruh oleh Robert B. Cialdini * Rich Dad Poor Dad oleh Robert T. Kiyosaki Buku-buku ini dan banyak lagi tersedia di HabitCoach.

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In this version, we have introduced a dark mode. Now you can choose the app theme or use the system settings.

Latest Version (Download)

HabitCoach - Personal Growth 4.8.0

Date Updated : 2021-05-09
