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Date Updated2018-08-25
Size8.75 MB
CategoriesAplikasi, Pendidikan



Belajar dan mempersiapkan menggunakan tes. Tahu target Anda.

This application is your ideal companion for CEH v9 exam preparation. Covering all sections of the exam, the questions highlights essential topics like intrusion detection, DDoS attacks, buffer overflows, and malware creation in detail, and puts the concepts into the context of real–world scenarios. With the help of this application you will get access to best questions which stress all modules of knowledge about elite system defenders, in order to prepare for the exam. You will get access to interactive learning environment which offers practice on questions and electronic flashcards. You can simulate a real test session with feedback at the end of the test, or just practice on questions and get the feedback right away - it's up to you. Aplikasi ini pendamping ideal untuk persiapan ujian CEH v9. Meliputi semua bagian dari ujian, pertanyaan-pertanyaan menyoroti topik penting seperti deteksi intrusi, serangan DDoS, buffer overflows, dan penciptaan malware secara detail, dan menempatkan konsep ke dalam konteks skenario dunia nyata. Dengan bantuan aplikasi ini Anda akan mendapatkan akses ke pertanyaan terbaik yang menekankan semua modul pengetahuan tentang pembela sistem elit, untuk mempersiapkan ujian. Anda akan mendapatkan akses ke lingkungan belajar interaktif yang menawarkan praktek di pertanyaan dan flashcards elektronik. Anda dapat mensimulasikan sesi tes nyata dengan umpan balik pada akhir tes, atau hanya berlatih pertanyaan dan mendapatkan umpan balik segera - itu terserah Anda.

What's New

- Improved the algorithm for arranging the questions: now you see the questions which you didn't answer first - Highlight in Result TestSession, Numbers Tab, which question number was analysed by setting an orange line - Changed the icon for Report Question button in Practice - Fixed the crash in phones with Android version lower than Lollipop - Fixed the Result Test Session, Numbers Tab not saving the position when opening explanation

Latest Version (Download)

CEH v9 - Ethical Hacking Certification 312-50 2.1.4

Date Updated : 2018-08-25
