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Date Updated2020-12-15
Size3.91 MB
CategoriesAplikasi, Pengasuhan



This app is intended for babies and their parents. It helps babies to fall asleep instantly. Uses classic white noise sounds (lullabies) proven to be effective by generations of parents! They resemble the natural sounds of the womb and thus create a calming environment for the babies they are used to. Why is my baby crying? Your baby is fed, has a clean nappy, no issues with colic, you were playing with your baby but still it is crying? The baby is probably too tired, but at the same time unable to fall asleep by itself. This is a common situation of newborns and a situation when Baby Sleep can help the most. Sleep Baby helps your baby to fall asleep using classic monotonous low frequency sounds proven to be effective by generations of parents: Such sounds include: • Shower • Washing machine • Car • Hairdryer • Vacuum cleaner • Shush • Fan • Train • Musicbox • Heartbeats • Sea and stream... From practical experience, we have learned that such sounds are more effective as a lullaby than tones, music or sing. Your babies will soon get used to it and when getting older even demand it and choose their own lullabies. The app becomes an integral part of the babies and their parent every day sleep routine. Even for older babies Baby Sleep helps to increase the overall noise level in the room, so that sudden urban sounds like traffic would not disturb your baby from sleeping. Baby Sleep is easy to use so that even your babies can start the lullaby. They just choose one of the available sounds. Each lullaby has a color and a big image do that babies can find their favorite lullabies. A timer will automatically stop the lullaby when times run out. All sounds are available offline so you do not need the internet. We do highly recommend not putting the phone closer to the baby than necessary and turning on airplane mode as well as muting alerts during the entire use of this app. Aplikasi ini ditujukan untuk bayi dan orang tua mereka. Ini membantu bayi tertidur seketika. Menggunakan suara bising putih klasik (lullabies) terbukti efektif oleh generasi orang tua! Mereka menyerupai suara alami dari rahim dan dengan demikian menciptakan lingkungan yang menenangkan bagi bayi-bayi yang biasa mereka gunakan. Kenapa bayiku menangis? Bayi Anda diberi makan, memiliki popok bersih, tidak ada masalah dengan kolik, Anda sedang bermain dengan bayi Anda tetapi masih menangis? Bayi itu mungkin terlalu lelah, tetapi pada saat yang sama tidak dapat tertidur dengan sendirinya. Ini adalah situasi umum pada bayi baru lahir dan situasi ketika Baby Sleep dapat membantu. Sleep Baby membantu bayi Anda tertidur menggunakan bunyi frekuensi rendah monoton klasik yang terbukti efektif oleh generasi orang tua : Suara seperti itu termasuk: • Mandi • Mesin cuci • Mobil • Pengering rambut • Penyedot debu • Sst • Fan • Kereta • Kotak musik • Detak jantung • Laut dan streaming ... Dari pengalaman praktis, kami telah belajar bahwa suara seperti itu lebih efektif sebagai lagu pengantar tidur daripada nada, musik atau bernyanyi. Bayi Anda akan segera terbiasa dan ketika semakin tua bahkan menuntutnya dan memilih lagu pengantar tidur mereka sendiri. Aplikasi ini menjadi bagian integral dari bayi dan orang tua mereka setiap hari rutin tidur. Bahkan untuk bayi yang lebih besar, Baby Sleep membantu meningkatkan tingkat kebisingan keseluruhan di ruangan, sehingga suara urban yang mendadak seperti lalu lintas tidak akan mengganggu bayi Anda dari tidur. Baby Sleep mudah digunakan sehingga bahkan bayi Anda dapat memulai nina bobo. Mereka hanya memilih salah satu suara yang tersedia. Setiap lagu pengantar tidur memiliki warna dan gambar besar melakukan itu bayi dapat menemukan lagu pengantar tidur favorit mereka. Pengatur waktu akan secara otomatis menghentikan pengantar tidur ketika waktu habis. Semua suara tersedia offline sehingga Anda tidak perlu internet. Kami sangat menyarankan untuk tidak mendekatkan ponsel ke bayi daripada yang diperlukan dan mengaktifkan mode pesawat serta mematikan peringatan selama seluruh penggunaan aplikasi ini. This app is intended for babies and their parents. It helps babies to fall asleep instantly. Uses classic white noise sounds (lullabies) proven to be effective by generations of parents! They resemble the natural sounds of the womb and thus create a calming environment for the babies they are used to. Why is my baby crying? Your baby is fed, has a clean nappy, no issues with colic, you were playing with your baby but still it is crying? The baby is probably too tired, but at the same time unable to fall asleep by itself. This is a common situation of newborns and a situation when Baby Sleep can help the most. Sleep Baby helps your baby to fall asleep using classic monotonous low frequency sounds proven to be effective by generations of parents: Such sounds include: • Shower • Washing machine • Car • Hairdryer • Vacuum cleaner • Shush • Fan • Train • Musicbox • Heartbeats • Sea and stream... From practical experience, we have learned that such sounds are more effective as a lullaby than tones, music or sing. Your babies will soon get used to it and when getting older even demand it and choose their own lullabies. The app becomes an integral part of the babies and their parent every day sleep routine. Even for older babies Baby Sleep helps to increase the overall noise level in the room, so that sudden urban sounds like traffic would not disturb your baby from sleeping. Baby Sleep is easy to use so that even your babies can start the lullaby. They just choose one of the available sounds. Each lullaby has a color and a big image do that babies can find their favorite lullabies. A timer will automatically stop the lullaby when times run out. All sounds are available offline so you do not need the internet. We do highly recommend not putting the phone closer to the baby than necessary and turning on airplane mode as well as muting alerts during the entire use of this app.

What's New

-two new lullabies: rain, coffee -simpler icons

Latest Version (Download)

Baby Sleep: White noise lullabies for newborns 3.6

Date Updated : 2020-12-15
