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Date Updated2021-07-31
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A real estate app that allows you to search for rental condominiums / apartments and real estate housing, and buy and sell land. Find a house for rent or buy or sell a house with the real estate app A commercial featuring Nicole Fujita is on air! ● Rental / real estate app! What is at home? At Home is a rental / real estate search site with more than 57,000 affiliated / used real estate stores nationwide! * As of April 1, 2020 It is a free rental / real estate app that can be easily used by those who are looking for a room for a rental real estate property and those who are considering moving to a room that suits their purpose. Full of information on finding a room, from rental real estate information such as newly built condominiums and apartments to information on purchased properties such as single-family homes, detached houses, used houses, and newly built condominiums! In addition to condominiums and apartments, this real estate app is also recommended for those who are looking for real estate information on offices, offices, and stores. Let's find a new home in a fun and convenient way with the home rental / real estate property search app ♪ ● Easy and convenient housing search function of the app 1. Map search function You can search for properties such as rental apartments / condominiums while looking at the map. In addition to normal maps, you can check rentals and real estate with aerial photographs! Search for properties while checking surrounding facilities! You can also search based on the facility name or building, which is convenient for finding the property you are looking for or near the spot you want to live in! 2. Floor plan / appearance / room image Many images are available in the app so that you can easily imagine the layout of the rooms and the life of the actual new condominium / rental apartment while looking at the floor plan! In addition, the real estate property information displayed in the search results can be switched between the exterior photo and the floor plan! Please feel free to contact us if you do not have an image or if you want to see it. 3. Sorting function If you sort by "lowest rent" or "new arrival", you can search for the desired rent and efficiently. 4. Favorite registration If you save and register with the ★ mark favorite button and press "Favorites" → "Property / Real Estate Company" from the menu screen, you can browse the property information registered as favorites at once, so it is very easy to find a house! 5. Make a note and save You can take notes and save them on the details page of the property you are interested in. Make a note of what you are interested in and ask the staff of the shop! This is the point of finding a room. 6. Save search conditions If you press "Add this condition to your favorites", the property information will be saved as a search condition. Easily find a house without the hassle of typing. From the menu screen, click the "Favorites" → "Search conditions" button to search with the same content. 7. Browsing history / search history You can re-view the property you saw once, or search again with the content you searched for once. From the menu screen, you can see it from "History" → "Property / Real Estate Company" "Search Conditions". Since you can save the trouble of inputting each time, it will be easier to find real estate / rental properties. 8. Rent market comparison Check the rent market for rental apartments, apartments, single-family homes, studios, and other rental and real estate properties along the railway lines and at each station! You can check not only the rental real estate but also the market price of the purchased property! Please use it even if you are considering purchasing a house. 9. Notify by push notification You can receive notifications of new arrivals, updates of your favorite properties, and notifications of the end of reception. 10. New features added to map search On the map, the range frame of the reachable area that can be moved in the desired required time is displayed. This is a convenient function that allows you to see at a glance the range that can be reached by means and required time. You can search for rental properties from "Search from map> Show service area"! 11. Change the display method when the listing of the property being saved as a favorite is finished When the publication of the property that is being saved as a favorite is finished, the mark of the end of publication can be displayed. ● Rental / real estate properties You can search for rental condominium / apartment rooms from the city, station, or route you want to live in. From no deposit / key money, floor plan, rent, etc., pet consultation available, separate bath / toilet, with loft, studio request, etc., you can search for a room all at once with the app! You can check how many rental information you have by real-time calculation while selecting, so it is very easy to search for rental properties! [Search from the special feature in the app] ▼ Rental / real estate property without security deposit and key money "Security deposit / key money" is often emphasized when choosing real estate / rental properties. Find a house with low initial cost. ▼ Rent is free for a certain period of time! Free rent property Considering moving to a rental property! However, it is recommended for those who want to reduce the initial cost! ▼ Designer's Mansion Full of designer mansion! You will find your favorite room. ▼ Rental property for people who are considering living with two people, living together, or living with their family There are various shapes of rooms even if you live together, such as living together or living with your parents. We will answer that need! ● Properties for real estate purchase / sale and real estate investment In addition to a wide range of real estate information, you can also search for land and housing information nationwide for those who are thinking of buying a new house! It is a real estate app that responds to various requests from rental housing to those who want to live in a single house someday, looking for a house with an eye on the future, etc.! [Search from special feature] ▼ Tax-reduced single-family homes and single-family homes Buy a single-family home wisely with a great deal! ▼ A detached house that looks like a new building A beautiful renovated property even if it is used! Many real estate houses that have been renovated like new construction of housing estates, condominiums, and apartments are also posted! ▼ Let's live in a "two-family house"! Buying a single-family real estate that makes you think "family is nice" from renting. Would you like to live in a dream house? ● At home is such a rental / real estate room search app! From rental apartments and condominiums to single-family real estate, search for free housing information on finding a room! This is a must-see rental housing search app for those who want to live in a newly built room, such as a second-hand condominium, a single-family house, or a renovated detached house! You can save your favorites from the property search, and you can search for a house while checking the rent market price! You can also compare and search real estate companies! In addition to rental apartments, you can search for free rooms for purchase-type real estate such as newly built condominiums and used homes, as well as single-family homes and villas! Find a house that meets your real estate needs, such as a real estate house that looks like a new condominium in a rental house, or a room for investment or sale in a studio or condominium! Find your desired home from a wealth of property information! Find a room by comparing the rent market price for each apartment or apartment! Feel free to search for a house with your desired conditions! Search for free housing information, from rental apartments and condominiums to single-family real estate! It is a real estate app that you can find property information that suits you, such as searching for rental properties or searching for a new condominium house! ● Athome is recommended for people like this! I want to know real estate information such as single-family homes and new condominiums with the app for purchasing new homes from rental condominiums I want to find a room by comparing a one-room rental apartment house or a rental apartment with a large room. I want an app that allows families to search for rental properties, single-family homes, or new condominiums. Those who are considering whether to live in a detached house or condominium, or to reduce the budget and make it a second-hand house. I want to search for a house from abundant real estate information For real estate investment, we use the app to collect information on buying and selling land, single-family homes, new properties and condominiums. Looking for an informative real estate app to sell condominium real estate I am considering buying or selling a detached house or condominium, and want to refer to the property information for real estate investment. I want to see various real estate information related to finding a house or room, such as newly built condominiums and apartments with the real estate app I'm looking for a room in a house that is renovating and utilizing a room such as a second-hand apartment. Compare real estate properties and find a place to live! I want to compare and consider condominiums and real estate that are cheaper than the rent market in the area I'm looking for an app that allows me to find fashionable homes such as fashionable rental condominiums and renovated properties. I want to search for used condominiums, single-family homes, land, villas, etc. for real estate investment I'm looking for a rental property such as a fashionable condominium or a new apartment to make a room of my choice. I want to search for home search information such as condominiums with full security and rental properties for women with a real estate app. 【inquiry】 Inquiries and tours to rental / for-sale properties and real estate companies can be made by free call in addition to email. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about real estate information, posted photos or floor plan information on the app, or if you have any concerns about finding a property. By all means, find your ideal room at home! ● Operation confirmed Android OS version It corresponds to 4.2 or more. Map data © 2020 Google

藤田ニコルさん出演のCM放映中! ●賃貸・不動産アプリ!アットホーム(at home)とは アットホームは加盟・利用不動産店数、全国56,000以上の賃貸・不動産検索サイト!※2019年10月1日現在 賃貸不動産物件をお探しの方、同棲や家族での同居など、用途に合わせたお部屋へ引越しをご検討の方にも簡単にご利用いただける無料賃貸アプリです。 新築マンション・アパートなどの賃貸不動産物件情報から、一軒家・一戸建て・中古住宅・新築マンション・別荘などの購入物件情報まで住まい探しの情報が満載! また、マンション・アパート以外にも、事務所やオフィスの不動産情報を探している方にもオススメのアプリです。 アットホームの賃貸・不動産物件検索アプリで楽しく便利に新しい住まいを見つけましょう♪ ●アプリの簡単便利な住まい探し機能 1. 地図検索機能 地図を見ながら賃貸アパート/マンション探しができます。通常の地図に加え、航空写真でも賃貸・不動産を確認可能!周辺施設を確認しながら物件探し! 施設名や建物を基点とした検索もできるので、お目当ての物件や住みたいスポット近くの物件を探すのにも便利です! 2. 間取り図/外観/お部屋の画像 間取り図を見ながらお部屋の配置や、実際の新築マンション・賃貸アパートの生活をイメージしやすいよう、アプリ内に多くの画像をご用意! また、検索結果で表示される不動産物件情報は、外観写真と間取り図で切り替えが可能!万が一画像の無いものや、「実際に見てみたい!」という方は、お気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。 3. 並び順機能 「賃料が安い順」「駅から近い順」などで並び替えて頂くと、ご希望の家賃額や効率よく住まい探しをすることが出来ます。 4. お気に入り登録 ★マークのお気に入りボタンで保存登録し、メニュー画面より「お気に入り」→「物件/不動産会社」を押して頂くと、お気に入り登録済の物件情報をまとめて閲覧出来るから、住まい探しがとってもラクに! 5. メモって保存 気になる物件の詳細ページでメモをとり保存が可能。気になることをメモして、お店のスタッフに質問!お部屋探しのポイントです。 6. 検索条件の保存 「この条件をお気に入りに登録」を押して頂くと、検索条件として物件情報が保存されます。入力する手間が省けて、家探しが楽ちんに。 メニュー画面より、「お気に入り」→「検索条件」のボタンを押して頂くと、同じ内容で検索が可能です。 7. 閲覧履歴/検索履歴 一度見た物件の再閲覧や、一度探した内容での再検索が可能。メニュー画面より、「履歴」→「物件/不動産会社」「検索条件」からご覧頂けます。 毎回、入力する手間が省けるから、不動産・賃貸の物件探しがラクになります。 8. 家賃相場比較 沿線、各駅ごとの賃貸マンション・アパート・新築一戸建ての物件や、ワンルームなどの賃貸・不動産物件を家賃相場でチェック! 賃貸不動産だけでなく、購入物件の売買の相場も確認可能!お住まいの購入を検討されている方もぜひご活用下さい。 9. プッシュ通知でお知らせ 新着のお知らせ、お気に入り物件の更新情報、受付終了のお知らせを受け取ることができます。 10. 地図検索に新機能を追加 地図上に、希望の所要時間で移動可能な到達圏の範囲枠を表示。 手段と所要時間で行ける範囲が一目で分かる便利な機能です。 「地図から探す>到達圏を表示」から賃貸物件検索が可能! 11.お気に入り保存中物件の公開が終了した時の表示方法の変更 お気に入り保存中の物件の公開が終了した際、公開終了の目印が表示が可能。 ●賃貸・不動産物件 住みたい街や駅、利用路線から賃貸マンション/アパートのお部屋探しが出来ます。 敷金・礼金なし、間取り、賃料などから、ペット相談可、バス・トイレ別、ロフト付き、ワンルーム希望などのご希望まで、アプリでまとめてお部屋を探せます! 賃貸情報が何件あるのか、選択中にリアルタイム計算で該当数を確認出来るから、賃貸物件検索がとってもラクに! 【アプリ内の特集から探す】 ▼敷金、礼金なしの賃貸物件 不動産・賃貸物件選びで重視する人も多い「敷金・礼金」。初期費用を抑えて引っ越そう。 ▼一定期間、賃貸家賃が無料!フリーレント物件 賃貸物件への引越しを検討中!だけど初期費用を抑えたい方におすすめ! ▼デザイナーズマンション デザイナーズマンション満載!あなたのお気に入りのお部屋が見つかるはず。 ▼2人暮らしや同棲、家族と同居を検討している人向けの賃貸物件 同棲や親家族との同居など、二人で住むにもへやの形は様々。そのニーズにお答えいたします! ●不動産の購入・売買や不動産投資向けの物件 幅広い不動産情報に加え、新居や購入をお考えの方には全国の土地・住宅情報も検索可能! 賃貸住まいから、いつかは一軒家に住みたい方へ、将来を見据えての住まい探しなど、様々な要望に応える不動産アプリです! 【特集から探す】 ▼減税対象の一軒家・一戸建て住宅物件 お得な制度を使って、賢く一戸建てを購入しましょう! ▼まるで新築のような一戸建て 中古でもきれいなリノベ物件!団地や中古マンション・アパート物件を、新築のようにリノベーションした住宅も多数掲載! ▼「二世帯住宅」に住もう! 賃貸物件から「家族っていいなぁ」と思える新築一戸建て物件へのお引越し。夢の一軒家に住んでみませんか? ●アットホーム(athome)はこんな賃貸・不動産のお部屋探しアプリです! 賃貸のアパートやマンションから、新築一戸建ての不動産物件まで、住まい情報を無料で検索! オフィスの不動産賃貸物件に新築マンション・賃貸の中古アパート住宅など、豊富な不動産物件を間取り図で確認!ご希望に合わせた部屋探しを実現 中古の賃貸マンションや住宅の一軒家、一戸建て住宅をリノベーションした住まいなど、新築のような部屋に住みたい方必見の不動産・賃貸住宅検索アプリです! 賃貸物件検索からお気に入り保存ができ、家賃相場を確認しながら住まい物件の比較が可能!また不動産会社の比較も! 新築マンション・賃貸アパートなどの賃貸物件やオシャレな住まいのデザイナーズマンションの家賃相場を比較検索!予算に合った家賃相場でお部屋探し! 賃貸アパートのほか、新築/中古マンションや中古住宅などの購入タイプの分譲住宅、別荘などの不動産物件も無料でお部屋探しが可能! 団地物件や賃貸住宅で新築マンションさながらの不動産物件、ワンルームの賃貸マンション物件に別荘用の不動産物件など、ニーズに合わせて住まい探し! 豊富な不動産物件情報から、希望の住まい探し!マンションやアパート別に賃貸の家賃相場を比較!希望の条件を入れて自由に家探し! ●あっとほーむはこんな方へおすすめ! 賃貸マンション・賃貸物件から新居購入に向けて、新築一戸建てや分譲マンションなどの不動産情報を知りたい ワンルームの賃貸アパート不動産物件から、一軒家や間取りが広い賃貸マンション物件も比較して検索したい 家族で賃貸物件から新築一戸建て(一軒家)のマイホーム、または新築マンションを探せる不動産アプリが欲しい 新築一戸建てか分譲マンション、予算を抑えて中古住宅にするか住まいを検討中の方。豊富な不動産情報から物件を探したい 不動産投資の為、土地や一戸建ての新築住宅や中古マンションの情報を集めている 土地や別荘、一戸建て不動産の売買を検討していて、物件情報を参考にしたい 賃貸オフィスや、団地・中古アパートなどのお部屋をリノベーションして活用している物件や住まいに興味がある 安い不動産物件を比較して住まい探し!該当地域の家賃相場よりも安い賃貸不動産物件を比較・検討したい オシャレな賃貸マンションやリノベーションした賃貸物件など、おしゃれな部屋を探している 不動産投資のために、中古のマンションや一戸建ての不動産物件、土地や別荘などを検索したい 結婚前、同棲のための家さがし!2人で住める住宅物件を探している 【お問い合わせ】 賃貸・売買物件や不動産会社へのお問い合わせ・見学はメールに加え、無料の通話からも行えます。 アプリ上の物件情報・掲載写真や間取り情報だけでは不明なことや、物件探しのご心配な点、なんでもご相談ください。 ぜひ、理想のお部屋探しをアットホームで! ●動作確認済AndroidOSバージョン 4.2以上に対応しております。

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バージョン3.5.0 ・TOPに、お気に入り物件一覧および閲覧履歴一覧への導線を追加しました。 ・「次回から都道府県を固定する」ボタンを設置し、都道府県選択を省略できるようになりました。 ・その他、細かな機能改善・改修を行いました。 今後も皆様のお役に立てるサービスをご提供できますよう、改善を続けてまいります。 皆様のご意見・ご要望も参考にさせていただきますため、 レビューまたは、アットホームアプリ内 右上グレーのメニューボタン > その他 > 「ご意見・ご要望」 からご連絡いただけると幸いです。 今後とも「アットホーム」をよろしくお願いいたします。

Latest Version (Download)

アットホームの賃貸物件・不動産アプリ-新築マンションの家探しやアパートのお部屋探し 5.3.0

Date Updated : 2021-07-31
