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Date Updated2021-03-17
Size60.39 MB
CategoriesGames, Strategy



正統三國-全新的SLG策略國戰手遊 真正的三國亂世,邀您來戰。發展武將、經營城池、高自由城戰、高組織國戰、緊張的皇城血戰、幸運的神級突破、刺激的歷史名將、精緻華麗的主城界面,正統三國將帶給您獨一無二的體驗。 【遊戲特色】 ---內修其政,外禦強敵--- 從一座小城鎮開始經營你的城池,科技、農業、軍事都等待著你去建設去發展。 你可以選擇優先科技提高生產力,也可以選擇優先軍事,發展武力。 擊敗周圍的山賊,壯大你的城池。 請注意,小心虎視眈眈的敵國鄰居。 ---歷史名將,臣服腳下--- 歷史名將,依次登場,需要你用武力征服他們。這不是常見的卡牌遊戲,武將需要靠“打”。 魏蜀吳群雄上百武將等你征服,白藍綠金紅紫多種品質,武將是你征服世界的墊腳石。 步兵、騎兵、弓兵,兵種輪回克制,打造你的強大軍團。 好的武將需要好的裝備,赤兔馬,閃電槍,大將印封賞你的屬下。 ---登高一呼,劍鋒所指--- 遊戲分魏蜀吳三個國家陣營,一旦選擇,終生不改。 國家設有一個國王、一個軍師、一個丞相、八大將軍等官職,不同官職擁有不同的戰事特權,官職由投票產生。 組織你的軍隊、帶領你的國民,向敵國進軍吧,佔領敵國領土,搶佔敵國資源。 ---熱血or休閒,隨你掌握--- 就像遊戲裏的音樂戰場和田園一樣,遊戲裏你可以選擇做一個一將功成萬骨枯的將軍或者是一個悠然南山采菊東籬的隱者。 做一只狼,搜尋獵物,偵查敵情,尋找時機,全力攻城,收穫戰利品。 做一只羊,鞏固城防,發展科技,提示兵力,升級武將,保護好家園。 ---團結協作,同心同德--- 這是一款合作網遊,萬人激情線上,一個人的力量終究有限,團結在一起,什麼都不怕。結成狼群,侵佔敵國;或者抱團取暖,守望相助。 除了遊戲,你將收穫充實的生活和友情。 ★最新動態★ 請前往我們的FB粉絲專頁,獲取《正統三國》最新信息! https:www.facebook.comsanguogame ※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導十二歲級:十二歲以上之人始得使用。 ※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。 Orthodox Three Kingdoms-a new SLG strategy country war mobile game In the real troubled times of the Three Kingdoms, you are invited to fight. Develop military commanders, manage cities, high free city battles, highly organized national battles, intense blood battles in the imperial city, lucky god-level breakthroughs, exciting historical heroes, and exquisite and gorgeous main city interface. The orthodox Three Kingdoms will bring you a unique experience. [Game Features] ---Fix its politics internally, defend against powerful enemies outside--- Start your city from a small town. Technology, agriculture, and military are all waiting for you to build and develop. You can choose to prioritize science and technology to increase productivity, or you can choose to prioritize military and military development. Defeat the bandits around and strengthen your city. Attention, be careful of enemy neighbors who are staring at you. ---Historic famous general, surrender to the foot--- The famous historical generals will appear one after the other, and you need to conquer them by force. This is not a common card game, the generals need to rely on "play". There are hundreds of military generals waiting for you to conquer in Wei, Shu and Wu, with various qualities of white, blue, green, gold, red and purple. The generals are your stepping stones to conquer the world. Infantry, cavalry, archer, arms reincarnation restraint, build your powerful army. A good military commander needs good equipment, a red rabbit horse, a lightning gun, and the general seal rewards your subordinates. ---Climbed high and shouted, Jianfeng pointed--- The game is divided into three national camps: Wei, Shu, and Wu. Once selected, it will remain unchanged for life. The country has official positions such as a king, a military division, a prime minister, and eight generals. Different official positions have different warfare privileges, and official positions are determined by voting. Organize your army, lead your citizens, march on the enemy country, occupy the enemy's territory and seize the enemy's resources. ---Hot-blooded or leisure, it's up to you--- Just like the music battlefield and pastoral in the game, in the game you can choose to be a general who has accomplished everything, or a hermit who is leisurely in Nanshan and picking up chrysanthemums. Be a wolf, search for prey, detect the enemy, find the opportunity, go all out to siege the city, and harvest the spoils. Be a sheep, consolidate city defense, develop technology, remind troops, upgrade generals, and protect your home. ---Unity and cooperation, with one heart and one mind--- This is a cooperative online game. Ten thousand people are passionate online. After all, one person's power is limited. If you are united, you are not afraid of anything. Form a pack of wolves to invade the enemy's country; or hold a group for warmth and help each other. In addition to games, you will reap a fulfilling life and friendship. ★Latest News★ Please go to our FB fan page to get the latest information of "Orthodox Three Kingdoms"! https:www.facebook.comsanguogame ※According to the game software classification management method, this software is for twelve-year-old tutoring: only those over twelve years old can use it. ※This game is free to use, and there are also paid services such as purchasing virtual game coins and items in the game. Please pay attention to the game time and avoid obsessing.

What's New

新增: 1.新增軍需爭奪戰活動:在皇城上隨機為三國指派一條線路運送物資,每經過一個駐地將會留下一部分物資,主公可保護本國物資,去掠奪敵國物資,活動結束將根據物資剩餘情況和主公參與情況,獲得國家獎勵與個人獎勵(詳細說明見活動幫助,開啟時間見遊戲內預告) 2.新增清明踏青活動:通過做地圖任務獲得獎勵 3.新增軍旗分享功能 · 調整/優化: 1.陣法優化:①增加滿級屬性加成的預覽②挑戰界面增加直接購買次數的按鈕③40-50級屬性增加 2.神壇boss優化:①調整血量與難度②對boss造成一定傷害時,參與主公可獲得香燭寶箱 3.自由轉服活動優化:①增加查找國家功能②千里馬道具說明優化 4.採集武將被攻擊時增加系統提示 5.寶箱道具使用優化:當使用數量超過1000時,一次性增加減少上限從10調整為100 6.鑌鐵轉盤活動優化:當可轉次數超過10次時,可一次性轉10次 7.御林衛兵力顯示優化 8.VIP禮包原價顯示錯誤優化

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正統三國-全新混戰 經典即時策略類手遊 1.9.712

Date Updated : 2021-03-17
