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Date Updated2020-09-11
Size39.56 MB
CategoriesGames, Strategy



★★★ 6年以來更新不斷,城堡爭霸邀你續寫傳奇!★★★ 戰火再起!城堡爭霸迎來重磅改版,「戰爭紀元」全新玩法閃耀登場! 這不僅是你的戰場,更是一次集體智慧的頂尖對決!在全新的世界裡,步步為營,策略佈局,守護屬於自己聯盟的領土;集結盟友,勇往直前,讓強大的敵盟臣服於膝下!還等什麼?是時候讓你的聯盟稱霸天下了! 恢宏的史詩級巨作,極富策略與趣味性的線上策略遊戲!城堡爭霸將快節奏的戰爭展現得淋漓盡致,充分地再現了兩支軍隊交戰波瀾壯闊的場面。你將扮演一名領主,帶領麾下英雄與士兵們征服其他領主來發展壯大自己的實力,在各位傳奇英雄的率領下,利用強大的魔法,去征服敵人的城鎮。建立起屬於自己的恢宏帝國,最終成就不朽偉業,書寫你的華麗篇章! 遊戲特色: ✔ 「戰爭紀元」重磅登場,快召集盟友,開創屬於你的"聯盟霸業"吧! ✔ 英雄時裝強化,讓您的英雄兼具美貌與實力! ✔ 多樣化的城鎮升級規劃路線,將你的城鎮打造成不破堡壘! ✔ 極簡的操作,絢麗而強大的魔法,在你的指尖凝聚,為你摧毀一切阻礙。 ✔ 招募各具超凡能力的英雄,經過戰鬥的磨礪,他們將為你建立不朽功勳。 ✔ 戰爭來去,軍人長存,戰鬥中未陣亡的士兵將光榮回歸領土。 ✔ 在競技場中與其他玩家的英雄一分高下,爭奪最強霸主的稱號。 ★ 全新魂器系統,使你的英雄擁有強大的戰力。 ★ 多樣的皮膚和時裝系統,帶來豐富的視覺體驗。 ★ 爭奪聖火、搶佔據點、聯盟爭霸只為獲得無上榮耀。 ★ 和好友揪團組隊,團結協作共同挑戰多人副本。 ★ 同仇敵愾,全服合作一同抗擊湮滅將軍來襲。 ★ 開啟萌寵紀元。在細心的培養下,它們將在戰場上一展風采。 ★ 最強王者對決中一決勝負,檢驗英雄搭配能力。 注意!本遊戲需要網路連接。 ===相關資訊=== 台灣代理商 : 幻想娛樂科技股份有限公司 《Facebook》: *依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法,此軟體為輔導12歲級,12歲以上之人始得使用。 *本遊戲為免費下載,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。 *請注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲。 ★★★ Updated continuously for 6 years, Castle Hegemony invites you to continue writing legends! ★★★ Fighting again! Castle Hegemony has ushered in a major revision, and the new gameplay of "Era of War" shines! This is not only your battlefield, but also a top showdown of collective wisdom! In a new world, step by step, strategic layout, guard the territory of your own alliance; gather allies, move forward, and let powerful enemy alliances submit to your knees! What are you waiting for? It's time for your alliance to dominate the world! A magnificent epic masterpiece, a strategy and fun online strategy game! The castle hegemony showed the fast-paced warfare to the fullest, and fully reproduced the scene of the magnificent battle between the two armies. You will play as a lord, lead your heroes and soldiers to conquer other lords to develop their own strength, and under the leadership of legendary heroes, use powerful magic to conquer enemy towns. Build your own magnificent empire, and finally achieve the immortal cause, write your magnificent chapter! Game features: ✔ "Era of War" is here, please call your allies and start your "Union of Alliance"! ✔ Strengthen the hero fashion, let your hero have both beauty and strength! ✔ A variety of town upgrade planning routes, making your town an unbreakable fortress! ✔ Minimalist operation, gorgeous and powerful magic, condensing at your fingertips, destroying all obstacles for you. ✔ Recruit heroes with extraordinary abilities. After the battle, they will build immortal merits for you. ✔ Wars come and go, soldiers survive, and soldiers who have not died in battle will return to the territory with glory. ✔ Compete with other players' heroes in the arena to compete for the title of the strongest overlord. ★ The new Horcrux system makes your heroes have powerful combat power. ★ A variety of skins and fashion systems bring a rich visual experience. ★ Compete for the torch, occupy points, and fight for hegemony in the alliance only for supreme glory. ★ Team up with your friends, unite and collaborate to challenge multiplayer copies. ★ Fight with the enemy and fight against the annihilation general with the full service. ★ Start the era of cute pets. With careful training, they will show their style on the battlefield. ★ In the showdown of the strongest king, check the hero's ability to match. note! This game requires an internet connection. === Related information === Taiwan agent: Fantasy Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd. "Facebook": * According to the grading management method of game software, this software is for tutoring the 12th grade, only those who are above 12 years old can use it. * This game is free to download, and there are also paid services for buying virtual game currency and items. * Please pay attention to the use time to avoid addiction to the game.

What's New

1.新增史詩英雄(懲戒之斧 、異戮刺客) 2.新增天賦技能(神隱之弓、暗夜法杖) 3.新增紫色英雄神器功能 4.新增雕像-水澤聖女 5.新增戰鬥加速:遺落之境、祕境奪寶、迷失幻境 6.團隊進攻、團隊防守新增雙倍獎勵時間段 7.功能分類調整 8.7天新手獎勵優化 9.英雄進階需求優化 10.英雄寵物光環效果優化

Latest Version (Download)

城堡爭霸 - 聯盟霸業 1.9.2

Date Updated : 2020-09-11
