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Date Updated2021-03-10
Size78.51 MB
CategoriesGames, Strategy



《新三國志手機版》是港澳台新馬地區唯一由光榮特庫摩正版授權,基於《三國志11》研發的手遊,是一款讓你體驗到軍事謀略的正統SLG。在這裡你能體驗到不同於其他SLG的“深度戰略性”與“豐富的收集要素”。 在這個亂世,你能到達最頂點嗎? 【游戲特色】 ■ 寬廣的大地圖 14個州、51個郡、161座城池,並且配搭各類地形、晝夜交替、四季變更,讓你體驗到不同於以往的三國世界。 ■ 培養你的武將,組成最強戰隊吧 武將們各自擁有獨特的技能,玩家們依照技能搭配屬於自己的最強戰隊。 組合方式千差萬別,所造成的戰鬥效果也會各有不同。 你能否創造出屬於自己的最強戰隊?   ■ 加強內政,發展城市 城內有政廳、祭壇、兵營、兵器坊等總計超過20種的設施,按照自己的喜好進行升級,將自己的城市打造成銅墻鐵壁吧! ■ 實時對戰,和軍團一起統一三國 在這裡,你可以體驗到超過百人的大魄力實時軍團大戰!戰場的緊張感滿載,每一次點擊熒幕都是策略的體現。抓準時機,擊破敵方,和同伴們一起擴大領土,一統三國吧! ■ 超豪華的聲優陣容 玄田哲章、千葉繁、関智一、梶裕貴等強大聲優大集結。 除了優秀的遊戲性之外,遊戲中的各種演出效果也有著巨大的魅力! ——請注意—— ※ 依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級。遊戲內容涉及「不當言語」,一般不雅但無不良隱喻之言語。 ※ 您須年滿12歲始得使用本遊戲。 ※ 請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷於遊戲,可能影響身心健康。 ※ 本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。 ※ 勿用他人代儲以免觸法。 "The New Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is the only mobile game in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia authorized by Koei Tecmo, based on "Three Kingdoms 11". It is an orthodox SLG that allows you to experience military strategy. Here you can experience the "deep strategic" and "rich collection elements" that are different from other SLGs. In this troubled world, can you reach the top? [Game Features] ■ Extensive large map There are 14 states, 51 counties, 161 cities, and the combination of various terrains, day and night alternations, and changes in the four seasons will allow you to experience a world of Three Kingdoms different from the past. ■ Train your generals and form the strongest team The generals have their own unique skills, and the players match their own strongest teams according to their skills. Combinations vary greatly, and the resulting combat effects will vary. Can you create your own strongest team?   ■ Strengthen internal affairs and develop cities There are more than 20 types of facilities in the city, including government halls, altars, barracks, and weapons workshops. Upgrade them according to your preferences and build your city into a copper wall and iron wall! ■ Real-time battle, unify the three kingdoms with the army Here, you can experience the powerful real-time legion battle of more than 100 people! The battlefield is full of tension, and every click on the screen is a manifestation of strategy. Seize the opportunity to destroy the enemy, expand the territory with your companions, and unify the three countries! ■ Super luxurious voice actors lineup Powerful voice actors such as Genta Tetsuzhang, Chiba Shigeru, Guan Zhiyi, Kaji Yuki and others gathered. In addition to excellent gameplay, the various performance effects in the game also have a huge charm! --Please note-- ※ According to the game software classification management method, it is classified as supplementary 12 levels. The content of the game involves "inappropriate language", which is generally inelegant but without bad metaphors. ※ You must be at least 12 years old to use this game. ※ Please pay attention to the game time and avoid indulging in the game, which may affect your physical and mental health. ※ This game is free to use, and there are also paid services such as purchasing virtual game coins and items in the game. ※ Do not use others to store it on behalf of others to avoid violation of the law.

What's New

1. 新增紅將郝昭 2. 新增拜官武將(魏國) 3. 新增好友切磋功能 4. 新增皮膚羈絆功能 5. 新增長安爭奪戰 6. 新增將作府 7. 新增計略府副本

Latest Version (Download)

新三國志手機版-光榮特庫摩授權 2.9.1

Date Updated : 2021-03-10
